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Congratiration Our Team Win An Award



Our team win an award from the competition of Alibaba

Contratiration Our team win an award from the competition of Alibaba

From November 11 ,2014 to January 10, 2015 ,we took part in the competition of "Bai Tuan" hold by Alibaba  group

When the competition start ,all our members work to late at night to find new customers ,for example ,offer the RFQ that required the woven labels,wash care labels,printed labels,andhangtags as much as possible . even more ,some members did not have a rest on the weekend and holiday .

Of cuourse ,in order to get more orders , we will give specail discount during the competition . and samll quantity  were accept .

As we know many customer will not requrie big quantity for woven brand labels ,wash care labels and hangtag , maybe they just at the begining of their brand or a  trial order from their customers. for this samll order ,maybe some other manufactures will not accept ,but we  pay attention to these customer too.

After 50 days work hard, we won the award as follows :

Mrs. Jessica got No 1.: 18 new orders

Mrs.Xia  got No 2: 7 new orders

And our company got the best devotion award .

More important ,our team won 3000 RMB .

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